Visionary Fundraising For Nonprofits
Fundraisers chase money. Visionaries attract it. Learn how to say thank you and tell stories all the way to the bank! Visionary fundraising that will release the storytelling visionary in you.
208 episodes
Celebrate the Climb, Watch Donors Align!
In fundraising. When you authentically celebrate even partial success, you often unlock additional giving.It’s like a mountain climbing team sharing their journey story while still on the mountainside - their authentic enthusiasm often a...
Season 6
Episode 2

My Wife's Hot (Organization Centered Fundraising)
I have an acquaintance who loves to put posts on social media about his wife. “She’s hot,” he will say.When I see his posts, I feel awkward. What ought to be beautiful and admirable is instead a little repulsive.He eve...
Season 6
Episode 1

Maximum Impact, Maximum Joy: Why Donors Go Big
"I reviewed with each person the factors that motivated their giving. A recurring pattern was the towering gratification they received from making the gift." Jerold Panas, Mega Gifts, Who Gives Them, Who Gets Them.Are you on Da...
Season 5
Episode 28

Paint the Dream: Major Donors Buy Vision, Not Projects
Some of history's greatest fundraisers have never asked people for money. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?Are you on David's mailing list? Go to davidoaks.net, to the second pane that says: "L...
Season 5
Episode 27

The Mega Donor Playbook: Essential Qualities They Seek in Fundraisers
"There needs to be a near-militant belief in its mission..." Jerold Panas, Mega Gifts, Who Gives Them, Who Gets ThemAre you on David's mailing list? Go to davidoaks.net, to the second pa...
Season 5
Episode 26

Hidden Heroes or Public Praise: The Donor Recognition Dilemma
"History has recorded few truly anonymous gifts. Many benefactors, who pretend anonymity, hide after a conferring a gift - much like Virgil's Galatea. She fled...but only after making certain she had been seen by everyone." Jerold Panas, Me...
Season 5
Episode 25

Love At First Ask: The Response is Spontaneous
"It is my experience - confirmed by the million dollar givers - that major philanthropy is spontaneous." Jerold Panas, Mega Gifts, Who Gives Them, Who Gets ThemAre you on David's mailing list? Go to
Season 5
Episode 24

The #1 Reason You Don't Get Major Gifts
"As Harold Seymour put it many years ago, no one ever got milk from a cow by sending a letter." Jerold Panas, Mega Gifts &...
Season 5
Episode 23

The Sound of One Hand Clapping: Slick Campaign Literature
"For many major donors, sophisticated or fancy campaign literature has as much impact as the sound of one hand clapping." Jerold Panas, Mega Gifts, Who Gives Them, Who Gets ThemAre you on David's mailing list? Go to
Season 5
Episode 22

Spouses Matter In Fundraising
Are you on David's mailing list? Go to davidoaks.net, to the second pane that says: "Lean Into Your Visionary Capacity With David: FREE" and sign up for my Mentoring Monday's email. This puts you on my em...
Season 5
Episode 21

Miracles, Wine & Fundraising
At weddings, ministers are fond of rehearsing the historical story of Jesus’ first miracle. He attends a wedding where the host runs out of wine. At the insistence of his mother, he turns six stone jars of water into wine.The belief in m...
Season 5
Episode 20

Jeff Slaughter: My Story
Let me introduce you to my friend Jeff Slaughter. He is a missionary, fundraiser, master storyteller and more. Find Jeff at:https://jeffslaughterwrites.com/
Season 5
Episode 19

You Are NOT A News Reporter: You Are a Nonprofit Storyteller
As a fundraising consultant, I’ve encountered countless nonprofits who believe they’re telling compelling stories about their work. But when I look at their websites and social media feeds, I’m often left wondering: Where are the stories?
Season 5
Episode 18

A Word To My African Fundraiser Friends
I love Africa and I adore African fundraisers. Your passion, dedication, and tireless efforts to create positive change in your community is truly inspiring. You deserve to get the money you need. There are some things you need to u...

Naming Opportunities Are Golden Opportunities
Naming opportunities are a nonprofit's golden ticket to unlocking major donations. This episode reveals the power of offering naming rights to recognize supporters, plus you'll learn 7 key steps to follow to successfully implement this lucrativ...
Season 5
Episode 17

Visionaries Attract Resources
Describing the need is easy compared with the hard work of finding the descriptive words that paint a picture of the need having been met. If there is one thing I find that leaders don't understand, it is the power o...
Season 5
Episode 16

First Things & Fundraising
When we fail to recognize and celebrate “firsts,” we miss powerful opportunities to strengthen our relationships, build momentum, and create a positive, thriving culture.In families, celebrating firsts – from a baby’s first steps to...
Season 5
Episode 15

Navigating Your Nonprofit's North Star: Vision vs. Mission Statements
Your vision and mission statements are more than just words on paper - they’re the heart and soul of your nonprofit, guiding every decision you make and every dollar you raise. Invest in getting them right, and watch your impact soar.
Season 5
Episode 14

Fundraising, Oily Beards & Rocks in the Pond
Jewish storytellers celebrate unity and brotherhood by telling a story about pouring huge amounts of expensive oil on the top of one of their leader's heads. Their story corresponds to the "rock in the pond" principle.
Season 5
Episode 13

You Don't Catch Fish With Strawberries & Cream
One of Dale Carnagie's favorite stories was about fishing. "I love strawberries and cream, but I find for some reason that fish prefer worms."In the same vein, you don't "catch" donors by baiting the hook with what you love...
Season 5
Episode 12

Do Donors Give Because of Tax Incentives?
Organizations and fundraisers go to great pains to make sure donors know that giving to their mission is tax deductible. Is this a major reason why donors give to you?
Season 5
Episode 11

10's Attract 9's ... 5's Attract 4's
People who are tens on the leadership scale attract other people who are tens, nines, eights, and lower. Sevens attract other sevens, sixes, fives and so on. Threes can attract other threes, twos, and ones.People who are a five on the le...
Season 5
Episode 10

If They Don't Believe THEY WON'T GIVE
If people don't believe in your mission, (and everyone won't), they won't give. But, if they do THEY WILL GIVE YOU THEIR MILLIONS! Reading through Jerold Panas' book, Mega Gifts, Who Gives Them, Who Get's Them
Season 5
Episode 9